registration is open for HDAA 2024!

September 16-19, 2024 

Healthcare Data & Analytics Association Annual Conference
Hosted by UNC Health
Friday Conference Center, Chapel Hill, NC
September 16-19, 2024

Registration is officially open!

Registration is officially open for HDAA's annual conference, being held September 16-19 in Chapel Hill, NC.  Join peers and colleagues from across the continent. Our hosts in 2024: UNC Health.  Proceedings take place  at UNC's spacious Friday Conference Center.  

As always, we have a jam-packed lineup for you:

  • Two keynote addresses, plus a keynote panel.
  • Three additional panel discussions on topics ranging from managing AI responsibly to attracting and retaining analytics talent.
  • Thirty-seven presentations in three tracks: executive/clinical leadership, technical topics, and program/project management.
  • More than a dozen roundtables.
  • Twenty posters.

Visit the HDAA 2024 registration site today for all the details, including super early bird pricing, a link to our special hotel rate for room reservations, and more.  Save up to $200 by registering early. New this year: a volume discount if you register five or more people.  The registration site has the details. 

You'll see our draft agenda on the conference home page. Help us out when you register by selecting:

  • The networking opportunities you'd like to attend
  • A presentation in each breakout session
  • ALL the roundtables that interest you. Ignore the dates/times for now. We'll likely re-slot roundtables based on projected attendance.

By the way, we don't enforce these choices – you can change them at any time, including during the conference. We use this data to help with cost estimations, room sizing and other logistics. 

Don't forget to book your hotel accommodations. We have contracted with three hotels in Chapel Hill, each offering a discounted rate if you book through our registration site. 

Keep an eye out in this space as we announce our sponsors for this year's conference. We consider ourselves unique in our approach to sponsorship. First and foremost, we solicit organizations that advance the healthcare analytics conversation in some important way. There are no trade fairs at a HDAA conference. Instead, sponsors co-present with one of our members, defend posters on a key aspect of our profession, moderate a roundtable discussion. If you are a vendor interested in presenting at our conference or supporting HDAA and its mission, please email [email protected]. 

Last but not least: If you've been selected for the agenda, please send your first draft to the presentation committee by June 21. Email your slides (or questions) to [email protected]. 

Please join us in North Carolina this fall. You must be a HDAA member to attend. If you're not yet a member, click the Join HDAA button to be part of the action. Membership is free!

Need a little extra motivation to attend or present? Check out the summary of HDAA 2023 in Denver.

A record number of abstract submissions for HDAA 2024!

What an overwhelming response from HDAA members to our 2024 conference call for abstracts! We had a record number of submissions this year, reflecting the astounding pace of change in healthcare analytics as well as our members' willingness to share their work. Overall, we received abstracts for 112 presentations, 26 posters, and 11 roundtables.  That's  25% increase from last year.

Even more impressive is the breadth of topics on offer. We asked each submitter to provide one or more tags describing their abstract. There were 115 different tags! These tags were associated with at least a dozen abstracts:

Tag # References
Analytics Strategy 87
Data Visualization 54
Self-Service Analytics 44
Operational Workflow 41
Technical Solutions 41
Clinical 39
Data Governance 39
Leadership 39
Data Literacy 36
Research 32
Data Integration 31
Predictive / Prescriptive Analytics 30
Project Management 29
Data Architecture 27
Artificial Intelligence 26
Machine Learning 24
Enterprise Data Warehouse 23
Diversity / Equity / Inclusion 17
Staffing 14
Population Health 14
Cloud Computing 12
Career Development 12


Our review committee, composed of our own HDAA members, have begun the difficult task of whittling down the submissions to a manageable number. The reviews will continue for the next six weeks or so. If you submitted an abstract (thank you!) you'll receive notice some time in late May. We hope to have a tentative agenda drafted by the first of June. That's also when we expect to open registration.

Key dates:

  • Call for abstracts - February 16 - March 29 CLOSED
  • Agenda available: Available NOW
  • Registration OPEN!
    • Super early bird registration: June 10 - July 31
    • Early bird registration: August 1 - August 31
    • Standard registration: September 1 - September 16
  • Meet-and-greet: Monday evening, September 16, in Chapel Hill
  • Conference kickoff: Tuesday, September 17

Questions? Contact us at [email protected].

UNC Health to host HDAA 2024

By all means do this today! Put a hold on your calendar for September 16-19 and HDAA's annual conference. Join peers and colleagues from across the country and beyond in Chapel Hill, home to the University of North Carolina and our hosts UNC Health. Proceedings will take place at a UNC's Friday Conference Center.

We're meeting in September this year to avoid conflict with the U.S. elections in November.  Consequently, the conference planning cycle is earlier as well.  Start thinking today about the presentations and posters you'd like to submit. Expect a call for abstracts in mid-February. Your colleagues want to hear from you!

You must be a HDAA member to attend. If you're not yet a member, click the Join HDAA button to be part of the action. Membership is free!

Need a little extra motivation to attend or present? Check out the summary of HDAA 2023 in Denver.

If you are a vendor interested in presenting at our conference or supporting HDAA and its mission, please email [email protected]. 

Why attend a HDAA conference?

HDAA's annual conference features your colleagues addressing the real-world problems of healthcare analytics and sharing real-world solutions. We draw speakers from around the country and beyond, all of them involved in the practice of our profession.

In addition to formal presentations, posters, and keynote addresses, you'll have opportunities to chat with your peers in topic-specific roundtables, social events, and – sometimes the most fruitful avenue of all – informal conversations in the hallway or at the lunch table.